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We mix your recordings!


    Label, Audio Productions, & Promotion Service 

No matter where you contact us from, you don't have to fly halfway around the world to get the great sound. You simply send us your existing tracks/soundtracks, which we will then mix and master for you.

A good prerequisite would be if die tracks withmetronome  would have been included! 

Checklist preparation:

1. You are super happy with the shot.


  • Are you absolutely satisfied with the recording? Recording quality, performance, timing and above all emotions should be right. We are happy to give you a few tips if you need help with the microphoneonneed. Simply log in.


2. Data OK? min. 44.1kHz 24bit. All tracks start at bar 1.


  • All tracks must be exported from the same position, from measure 1 onwards. Sampling rate  44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96 kHz, bit depth of 16, 24 or 32 bit. Accepted formats: mp3.


3. Virtual instruments and MIDI are exported as audio.


  • All virtual instruments and MIDI tracks must be exported as audio files (mp3). If there are effects on the virtual instrument, export one file with the effects - and one without (e.g. Leslie, tremolo, etc.).



4. Effects: Tracks with special effects are exported with and without FX.


  • Are you absolutely satisfied with the recording? Recording quality, performance, timing and above all emotions should be right. We are happy to give you a few tips if you need help with miking. Simply log in.


5. No tuning, no quantize. We're happy to take care of that.


  • We would like to take over the tuning of the vocals and the quantization of the instruments - with eyes and ears. Please leave these steps to us.

6. Naming tracks. Name all audio files.


  • Please label and name your tracks clearly. Most DAWs do this automatically if the tracks are clearly named. So not Audio_1, Audio_2, but Piano, E-Git 1, E-Git that helps us to structure your project.



7. Cross Check: Testyour exported tracks in a DAW

  • Drag all your exported tracks into a new project and check whether all tracks start at the beginning, don't overdrive and everything is plausible. 

8. Reference track: Tell us what other songs you like.


  • Are you absolutely satisfied with the recording? Recording quality, performance, timing and above all emotions should be right. We are happy to give you a few tips if you need help with miking. Simply log in.

 * * *

Of course, we also mix and master smaller projects between 1-12 tracks such as voice recordings or solo instruments, a duet, a piano concerto, your song forone  special person in your life, or save your "exhilarating" ;-) recording.

Order form 12 - 32 tracks

The basic prices according to the price list can vary depending on the project and written agreements. 

(No VAT is shown).

Thank you for your order.

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© 2024 WNS Studios Germany. All rights reserved.


Read the Checkliste well and prepare the individual tracks for the mix.

To complete


Fill das order formrmular 

(below) from, with the necessary Details and wishes.



We take care of your mix and give you a mix date.we stay in contact and exchange about the songs!


Receive your mix - including mastering! Ready for your desired format such as vinyl, streaming, CD.

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